Stacy Wise
| Apr 25, 2019

MNB employees wore their favorite sports team attire on March 29th to celebrate MLB Opening Day.
Click here to view more photos on Facebook.

MNB was well represented at the United Way Power of the Purse Auction held Saturday, April 6th at Big Horse Vineyards in Lewistown.

Canton Ingersoll Middle School 8th grader Jessica Beaird is shown presenting her winning t-shirt design for the school’s upcoming Outward Ingersoll event. Pictured with Jessica is Mr. Brett Miller. MNB is proud to be a sponsor for this outdoor educational event!

MNB employees shared their Financial Literacy knowledge during Senior Skills Day at Canton High School on Tuesday, April 9th.

Thanks to these MNB employees for cleaning up our section of Canton's Adopt-a-Street program on Monday, April 22nd.