A Commercial Loan may be just the tool you need to start your own company, expand your existing business, or meet your cash flow needs through a tough time. The knowledgeable, friendly Loan Officers and staff at MNB have the experience, reputation and market familiarity to help you with the financing your operation requires. With decades of experience, you can bet our Loan Officers have done it all, from operating lines of credit, vehicle, and equipment loans, to loans on investment property, construction, and manufacturing, and everything in between.
The success of your business is very important to us. We go out of our way to get to know you, your company, and your staff. When there’s an opportunity for a referral, we look to our customers first! With local ownership and decision-making, our Commercial Loan Officers respond to requests in a timely manner and have the flexibility to tailor our loan products to meet your needs.
Term Loans
- Commercial Real Estate
- Machinery & Equipment
Revolving Lines of Credit
Commercial Leases
- Business Equipment, Vehicles & Real Estate
- Municipal Equipment & Vehicles
Schedule a meeting with a Loan Officer today!
Our Fulton County Loan Officers
Doug Tindall, Fulton County Loan Manager
309-547-2246 |
email Doug Tindall
Zack Krulac, Vice President
309-647-5000 |
email Zack Krulac
Greg Lardi, Vice President
309-647-5000 |
email Greg Lardi
Ryan Spangler, Assistant Vice President
309-647-5000 |
email Ryan Spangler
Our Marshall County Loan Officer
Denise Salisbury, Vice President
309-364-2302 |
email Denise Salisbury
Our McDonough County Loan Officers
Jamie Cumbie, McDonough County Loan Manager
309-833-4111 |
email Jamie Cumbie
Ryan Van Dolah, Vice President
309-833-4111 |
email Ryan Van Dolah