Stacy Wise
| Oct 01, 2019

Thanks to MNB volunteers from our Canton branch who handed out water at two MNB tables for The Canton Half held on Labor Day.

MNB employees from our Cuba branch at Cuba's Homecoming Parade on Friday, September 13th.

MNB employees from our Lewistown branch at Lewistown's Homecoming Parade on Friday, September 13th.

Buzzy's Best Recipients on the Buzzy Float at the Friendship Festival Parade in Canton on Saturday, September 14th.
Click here for more photos on Facebook!

Congratulations to "The Bankstreet Boys"! They placed second in the Special Olympics Fire Truck Challenge held on Saturday, September 21st at Lakeland Park in Canton.
Click here for more photos on Facebook!

Thanks to these MNB employees who participated in the Walk to End Alzheimer's on Saturday, September 21st in Macomb.