Stacy Wise
| Jun 21, 2022

Round Up Savings For Summer
Written by Andrea Klinedinst, Compliance Assistant
As we move into the summer months, it’s time to start thinking about summer plans and even summer vacations. As we all know, summer plan expenses can quickly add up, so trying to find ways to save can help you plan for that added spending. Did you know MNB has a Round Up Savings program that can help?
Round Up Savings is an easy way to start saving money with every transaction. All you need is a checking account with our MNB MasterCard® debit card and a Savings or Club account.
How does it work?
Each time you use your MNB MasterCard® debit card, your transaction amount is rounded up to the next dollar. The total amount of the transaction goes toward your expense while the rest of the change goes to your savings account.
For example, if your transaction costs $10.25, your checking account will be charged $10.25 and $0.75, with the extra $0.75 going to your savings account.
Round Up Savings is easy to use, and the savings happen on their own with each of your debit card purchases. If there is not enough money in your checking account to include the Round Up Savings amount, there are safeties in place that will not let your account overdraw due to the Round Up Savings amount.
If you have questions, give us a call at 877-647-5050, and speak to one of our Personal Bankers or Customer Service Representatives today!