Stacy Wise
| Jun 22, 2022

MNB employees at the United Way of McDonough County's Power of the Purse event in Macomb on March 26th.

MNB employees at the United Way for Spoon River Country's Power of the Purse event in Canton on April 1st.

MNB employees and their family members volunteered for our Adopt-a-Street clean-up in Canton on April 12th.

MNB employees and family members volunteered for Community Work Day in Canton on April 23rd.

Thanks to everyone who attended our Fireworks Fundraiser Cookout in Lewistown on May 20th. MNB purchased the food and supplies to host the cookout and raised $1,632 for the Lewistown Fireworks Fund!

MNB employees & friends at the Fulton-Mason Crisis Service 'Derby Party' Annual Fundraiser Dinner on April 28th.

MNB employees from our Henry banking center volunteered to paint the concession stand at Child Memorial Park in Henry.

MNB's golf team at the Canton Area Chamber of Commerce's Golf Outing on May 20th.

MNB employees at the Canton Fireworks Fundraiser Cookout held on June 17th. Thanks to all who attended!