Stacy Wise
| Sep 27, 2022

Merchant Services
Written by Andrea Klinedinst, Compliance Assistant
Many things go into running a successful business. One essential aspect of any business is, of course, customer payments. Did you know MNB offers merchant services? MNB has partnered with FiTech to provide the best merchant services. With the ever-expanding options for payments, i.e., credit, debit, Apple Pay, Samsung Pay, the list goes on, it can be hard to keep up. FiTech helps to streamline that process by supplying the tools you need to help you manage different types of payments which can help you to improve your customers’ experiences with your business.
What can you do with Merchant Services?
- Accept different types of payment. Your customers can pay their way. FiTech’s services allow you to accept several types of payments from debit and credit cards to Apple Pay, Samsung Pay, and more.
- Get support from FiTech’s payment experts. FiTech’s team of payment experts are available to assist with any needs from the start of your application to implementation and beyond.
- Keep customer data secure. FiTech helps keep your customers’ data secure and provides you with the tools to be PCI compliant.
- Keep track of your business. You will have access to reports on your business insights like your business’s daily transactions, sales trends, and batch reports, among others, to help you better plan and keep track of your business.
- Create better relationships with your customers. Using this service will allow you to focus less on the hassle of figuring out payments and more on building relationships with your customers by being able to accommodate their payment requests.
How does it work?
MNB has a referral relationship with FiTech, so if you are interested in these services, we will send in a referral for you. After receiving the referral, our FiTech representative will reach out to you and discuss your business needs to figure out the best plan for you and your business. If necessary, FiTech will send any ready-to-use equipment directly to your business. From there, you will have access to FiTech’s team and can start improving your customers’ experiences with your business.
If you already have a company for merchant services, you may be eligible for FiTech’s meet or beat offer. If you are able to provide 2 months of current processing statements to send to FiTech, FiTech will review the data, and if they cannot meet or beat your current effective rates, you could qualify for a $500 gift card from FiTech.*
If you have questions about this service or any of our other business services, give one of our personal bankers a call at 877-647-5050 or stop by one of our banking centers today.
*To be eligible for the meet or beat offer, the minimum monthly processing of $2,500.00 is required for two of the trailing 12 months. Franchise owners are ineligible for the meet or beat offer.