Stacy Wise
| Dec 14, 2022

Out-Of-Band Authentication
Written by Andrea Klinedinst, Compliance Assistant
Scams are on the rise, and chances are you’ve heard of one recently. One such scam hit close to home a couple months ago when some of MNB’s customers were receiving scam texts. One way that MNB is working to protect you against scammers is by offering Out-Of-Band Authentication (OOBA) for your online banking accounts.
What is OOBA?
Out-of-band authentication is a type of multifactor authentication that requires you to use another method of verification through a different channel along with your user ID and password. So, say you go to log in to your online banking with your username and password via the internet, that’s the first channel. The second channel in OOBA is to use your mobile device to receive a call or text or use an authentication app to get a code or notification to log in to your online banking. OOBA helps to keep your account safe in the instance that a scammer gets a hold of your user ID and password by sending a code to your phone that only you would have access to.
MNB’s online banking offers users a chance to download the Duo Mobile app which is a type of OOBA app. Duo Mobile would take the place of receiving a verification code via call or text; rather, you would receive a notification on your mobile device from the Duo Mobile app and then verify that you are or are not trying to log into your online banking. Downloading the Duo Mobile app is optional. If you choose not to download the app, you will continue to receive your verification codes via call or text. If you choose to download the app, once you select that option in your OOBA setup, you will receive two text messages containing links to first download Duo Mobile and second to verify the app with your online banking account.
How does OOBA work with MNB?
All online banking users have the option to request OOBA. Once OOBA is enabled, online banking will walk you through the following steps. Use steps 1-2 if you choose not to download the Duo Mobile app. Use steps 1-4 if you do choose to download the app.
- Set up your device by entering your phone number and nickname for your device and choosing your device’s operating system, e.g. Android, Apple, Windows, or Blackberry.
- Verify your device by opting to receive a verification code via call or text and enter your code into the appropriate box.
- (Optional) Select “Use Duo Mobile” if you wish to use the OOBA app.
- (Optional) Use the links in your text message to download Duo Mobile and to verify the app with your online banking account.
Once you set up OOBA on your accounts, you will be asked to verify your identity each time you log in to online banking. This will add an extra step of security to keep you and your accounts safe from scammers trying to gain access to your account.
If you want to set OOBA up on your online banking account, give us a call at 877-647-5050 or stop in and speak with one of our Customer Service Representatives today!