Stacy Wise
| Aug 16, 2023

Software Updates
Written by Andrea Klinedinst, Compliance Assistant
As the world keeps advancing, so does technology. According to, the average number of devices per person globally was 2.4 in 2020, and the average per household was 10.37 devices with a prediction that those numbers would only rise. With more technology, and more devices at our fingertips, the bad guys are finding more ways to try to get your information. One way they are doing that is through known vulnerabilities in your devices.
When your devices, ie. smart phones, smart watches, tablets, computers, etc., prompt you to download and install an update, do you do it? Sometimes we get busy and push it off or think that the update can’t be that important and just ignore it, but that is not a good plan. Many times, software updates include important security fixes that will continue to keep you and your devices safe from any bad players looking to exploit known security flaws in your devices.
What is typically included in a software update?
Software updates aren’t just rolled out for the next big, new operating system, they happen in between large updates and can include patches for security flaws and the addition of new security features, fixes for known bug issues, enhancement of existing features, and overall improvements for your devices.
How to update your software?
You can find out if you’re using the latest software by checking your devices for updates. You can even set up your devices to download and install automatic updates to provide you with better peace of mind. The update feature can be found in the Settings of all of your devices. Below are places that updates are generally found, but a Google search can help you locate the update features on your specific device.
- For Apple devices, Updates are located in Settings under the General category.
- For Android, Updates are located in Settings under Software Update or System Update.
- For Windows, Updates are located in Settings under Updates & Security.
From each of these sections, you should also see an option that will allow you to download and install any available future updates automatically.
Ensuring that your software is updated is a great way for you to develop good cybersecurity habits. Not only should you keep your device software updated, but you should be sure to update any apps on your devices when updates are available for them as well. Scammers have found ways to exploit software that is out of date, especially when the software has known security issues. By keeping your software up to date, you are helping to prevent scammers from potentially getting ahold of your personal information or downloading malicious software on your devices.
As always, if you believe you have been on the receiving end of a scam, report any suspected fraud to the MNB Customer Service Department at 877-647-5050 or visit any banking center. Be informed and stay safe!